My Postnatal Fitness Routine

My-postnatal-fitness-routine-1 | EAMR

With Summer fast approaching, I wanted to write a fitness post, but I found myself completely uninspired and after spending hours trawling various fitness accounts, I realised that I had never shared my workout routine with you, even through it’s a fundamental part of my life! Maybe it’s because my workouts are about as far from glamorous as you can get!  That said, I continued my (modified) workouts right up until the week that Gael was born and without a doubt, this was a huge help during the birth. 

I’m a roll out of bed into the gym first thing in the morning kinda person. I know from personal experience that if I leave my workouts until the end of the day, it’s so much harder for me to motivate myself to go. I’m a morning person, by the time early evening rolls around, my focus is getting Gael fed, bathed and into bed, so I can get some time to relax and maybe even a glass of wine or two. 😉

My Postnatal Fitness Routine

As my birth was straightforward and because I am lucky enough to have a gym in my building, I was able to start some gentle exercise just two weeks after Gael was born. Now a few months down the line, I’ve picked up the pace and i’m focusing on that bikini! I’m far from a fitness blogger, hehe, but I decided to share my current weekly postnatal fitness routine with you! I hope you like it!


Minha rotina de treinos durante a semana: Projeto verão pós-parto | EAMR


I wake at 6:30am to feed Gael. He goes back to sleep with his dad whilst a grab some breakfast and slip  quietly off to the gym. I like to get to the gym as early as possible, before people start calling and the e-mails start coming in. Monday is leg day, purely because I want to get it out of the way first thing in the week! When I can, I train with my trainer and friend Nayara Cheberle. I have been training with her for 4 years and she has been fantastic in orientating me during my pregnancy and postpartum. 

Minha rotina de treinos durante a semana: Projeto verão pós-parto | EAMR


Tuesday is Yoga day in the office, I get into the office at 8am, with just enough time to leave my bag on my desk before our yoga class on the mezzanine. The class is open to the public and is run by my amazing friend Camila Prado. I usually take Gael with me and if I’m lucky he sleeps, if not I do some postures with him in my arms and Camila holds him for the rest of the time. I find yoga essential for purifying the mind, as well as toning the body! My Tuesdays are almost always filled with good vibes post yoga. 


Wednesday is HIIT day! I wake at 6:30am and do a mix of sprints on the treadmill and abbs. I recently downloaded Kayla Itsines’ APP Sweat and I’m mixing my routine up with new resistance training, to keep me motivated and to push me out of my comfort zone!


On Thursdays I see Nayara again, this time focusing on the upper body and abbs. We often use my TRX so that I can work against my own body weight for a longer and leaner physique.


Friday is my slow morning day, I allow myself to wake a little later (or as late Gael allows) and I do half an hour of cardio normally I do half an hour of cardio, or a 5K run, to get me ready for the weekend. I use use the Nike + Running Club APP along with my favourite Zombies Run APP, and nothing is more motivating that running for your life in a during a  Zombie Apocalipse. 
And there you have it, I like to train during the week and rest at the weekend to be ready to start it all again on Monday. 

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