5 things that I learnt with a one year old

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

I have a one year old!

Gael turned ONE on the 25th of August! A day that had seemed so far away had suddenly crept up on us and like everyone says, it goes so fast! If making it to six months was all about survival, reaching the one year mark was pure achievement! Gael’s arrival changed my life. Having a child is, without a doubt, the hardest, long term, full time project of my life, but so worth it! The days continue to be full of challenges and my life is far from perfect, regardless of what it may look like on Instagram! However, I feel more and more like I am finding a balance between being a mum and being me.

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

Gael is becoming more of a “real person” every day, he interacts with us, laughs, cries and plays. I remember how I wanted time to move faster in the beginning, the sleepless nights and the full on commitment that is six months of exclusive breastfeeding, were physically and emotionally draining; I didn’t suffer from Postpartum Depression (thank God) and I enjoyed being a mother, but always with hopeful, light at the end of the tunnel belief, that things would get better.

One of the hardest things for me to accept in the beginning was that I was not able to work at the same pace as I used to before Gael. I felt like I was always running out of time. There are still days where I wish I could put in more hours in the evening and weekends, to get a jump on things, but then I check myself and remember how precious family time is. My wish did come true and in many ways things are better now.

At a year old Gael eats well, and is down to a 1-2 feeds a day (unless he is sick or needs extra cuddles), he generally sleeps through and I am able to produce a lot more at work. Now I don’t want the time to go so fast and I fully intend to take all that golden advice that I was given and enjoy this phase to the max, although more sleep would still be a plus!

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

1. Contagious smiles 

Now with 5 teeth (and counting) Gael’s smile has changed, he opens he mouth forming a toothy grin so wide that he has to shut his eyes. To make things even more adorable, he laughs on cue when he hears other people laughing, as if he understands the joke. I challenge anyone to witness this without their heart melting! 

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

2. Daily surprises 

Gael is developing at a rapid speed, it seems like every day he is does something new and we are loving our little box of surprises.  

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

3. Step buy step

We had first steps last month and now Gael is more confident walking, but he still prefers to hold on to my little finger for security. 

As 5 coisas que eu aprendi com meu bebê de um ano | Estilo ao Meu Redor

4. Naughty boy? 

Gael is non stop and already very cheeky! I feel like the time is nearly coming for us to start teaching him basic right from wrong. Aside from the necessary, “No!” to stop him doing something dangerous, it’s hard to know when curiosity stops and limit testing begins. Watch this space.

5. A good eater

Gael is a good eater, he eats virtually everything we put in front of him. He obviously has he favourite dishes, but watching him polish off a balanced plate full of kale and veggies fills me with pride. I thought it would be harder to plan his meals when we travel, but on a recent trip to Florianópolis he ended up eating what we ate when we ate. I’m enjoying this time until he “learns” that he doesn’t like greens. 😛


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